October 7, 2017

Interest in other Languages

Hello everyone My name is Odalys and...

talking about experiences I had a lot  in my short life jaja but I think one of the best experience, was in my childhood,  when I started my interest about different Languages, I remembered me and my familiy all the time we have spended time  together every Sunday and we have been watching movies about history, action or based in books, novels or real events in the humnity. One day my  auncle has bought some Chinese movies for example “HERO” o “The Red Cliff” and I have been fascinating about  the way what people in other countries talk for example in China, Japan and France and Little by Little I have found short words in those movies for repeat and tried to say  the similar accent of the actors and my family tought “That girl have a secret talent”, so my uncle have introduce me in the Chinese History speciality and Animation about Japan,  after to I have been seen a lot of programms I found very interesting this information and series...

Resultado de imagen para red cliffResultado de imagen para hero movie

Resultado de imagen para basilisk personajes

so one day I asked to my parents If I can learn Japanese in a “oficial school” and they easily said Yes my  own whim. I can remember perfecly all the feelings for my first class in Japanese, I was very nervous, I only was  imagining what I need to say, what is going to be my first impression for others and that day I was feeling very unconfortable in the beginnig but at the end I did exercises in front of all and learned the basic words of the Language, also my classmates were good with me because I was the most younger in the group and finally my teacher have been lovely all the class, She can express very well in Spanish no matter if she was born in Japan. She  also taught me some origami and told me more about the tradicions of her country. I recommend if you want to try another Language and have a good experience in the Language wordl you need to find your passion and make it on your own way. Thanks for you time for read this.
Have a nice day :) 

Resultado de imagen para japanese


  1. Hello I am Mario, greet you and see me very pleased that continuing with the English and Japanese language, now understand even more your taste for that language.
    You're right to recommend the Japanese for being one of the oldest language and over time has been preserved, I also hope ever have the time to learn a little of the language since the Japanese have a very disciplined culture and that makes us many missing to us, I hope someday I recommend a movie to see it and similarly have the pleasure to learn Japanese.
    Also to see what day teach me to do some figures with paper because they happen to be some of them very difficult to perform and the only thing I can do is a little paper planes.
    I send you warm greetings.

  2. Hello, I'm Emily and I am happy for your experience because it sounds with a lot of joy. I like the languages too and I started with the English, I'd like to learn other languages, I had never thought in Japanese but like you said your experience and your passion the Japanese caught my attention, and it is incredible and a good idea that you continue learning:)
    For another hand, I wouldn't correct you because you are in a level 7 and I can have mistases too, I only noticed that you made a mistake with few verbs in how write them and with the verbs for 3rd person, was little mistakes, I liked your way to write because is fluid:)

    See you! thanks for share your experience
