October 16, 2017


What is happiness? How we can be happy? I think this is one of the most ancient questions that humans had made ... And I think is just a part of living, I think that sometimes you feel other emotions, just like in the animated movie Inside out in spanish "Intensamente" we, as a human beings are very complex, and we experienced a lot of situations and is in our power to choose what to do with them. I like to think that happiness is the journey and not a thing, I choose to think that in every minute of our life we can find happiness, and if not, you have to decide what to do... 

Resultado de imagen para inside out

One of my principles is that a first thing you have to do in every situation or problem is to think if that problem has a solution if that is true you have o should work in order to solve it, to change it, if not you need to accept the situation, I think that this aproach allows us to deal with important things that could make you feel nervous, anxious, angry, etc.

The next thing is to learn to enjoy every situation, because of every situation you learn something, I remember one time in a test, I don't remember what subject, but it was in college, and as usual I was making noises with my pencil and my foot, and a very good friend of mine almost yelling at me, ask me not to do noises, and I say to him "enjoy it" , and its not that I'm not nervous or afraid in a test, but you have to find a way to enjoy every minute, maybe is also that I study how to resolve tests, but I take responsability of myself and if I failed a test is mainly because I did'nt prepare well, no just because a test was difficult.

So, if I have to give a advice, I should tell you that in this world, in which you can't control anything but you, you have to create your happiness, change the things that you can and accept what you can't... 

Finally I share with you this image with a lot of advices that I try to follow myself...  

Resultado de imagen para start doing things you love

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