October 14, 2017


What do we think when we hear happiness? 

For a lot of people happiness means money, and for you what it means? 
Resultado de imagen para happiness
In my opinion i can say that happiness mean to be confortable and quite, feeling absolut complete with yourself and be sure that your life is in the way that you want. 

My father some day told me that "no one it´s going to do what you don´t do for yourself" and that it´s right because the happines depends on you! 

In my case the thing that make me the happiest person is my major, I´m a student from the UNAM of forensic science. I fell in love when I started my first year and now I´m sure that is one of the best decision that I  chose.

Another thing that give me happines is to have the oportunity to help people in this major, or even that i don´t finish yet i could make a difference since that I´m studying. 

I really love doing sports or exercise, it´s not necessary go to the gym or pay for a place,  in the UNAM you can take swimming clases, that is the option that I decided. 
Like you can notice not always you need money, i know that is esencial for our basic necessities but it´s not all in our lifes, there are more important things. 
 depends on you, in your vision, what is the most important things, what is you list of  5 most important things in your life? 

I recommend you that you´ll do a list of things that are the principals for you to be happy and then you concentrate in make a change to be happy for your entire life. 

1 comment:

  1. Ohh cool, I agree with you when you say: 'happiness mean to be comfortable and quiet' and I will add 'in peace with yourself'.

    Where I disagree is when you say 'because the happines depends on you!'. In my opinion, people suffers of depression, intents of suicide, and I think that don't depent of them, depended of circunstance, such as, trauma or abuse, bad family history, etc. I consider that they need help. In Mexico this problem it is not common but in countries as USA or CANADA takes the 10th place in this kind of illness.

    On the whole, sometimes happiness depends of the actitud and maybe the past or the situation of the people.

    For more information, I share this link: https://www.mentalhealth.gov/basics/what-is-mental-health/index.html
